alcohol-interlock-01Ignition interlock for road test in Toronto and all Ontario

Order a Driving school car with an Ignition Interlock device in Toronto, GTA, and all Ontario.

An ignition interlock device is an in-car breath screening device. It prevents a vehicle from starting if it detects a blood alcohol concentration over a pre-set limit of 20 milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood (.02).

Welcome to our Drivers  Training Centre and order a driving school car with Ignition Interlock

Our world is changing every second: population, community, etc… and traffic too. Every day we see reports of car accidents. Statistics show over 250,000 collisions per year with 90% of those due to the Driver’s Error. And this is our main concern! That is our deep thinking on how to make the everyday traffic on the road safer.
Our website and our service is dedicated to safe driving. Our goal is to contribute to an improvement of the road safety and to help drivers who have been charged with impaired driving to pass a road test in a Driving School car with Ignition Interlock and to be back on the road as quickly as possible.

To that end, we help to prepare for the driving test and train the drivers who had never used the Ignition Interlock Device on how to use it properly and eventually we help them to pass the road test in the shortest time possible.

Book a Car with Ignition Interlock for Road Test.
 Call for details (647) 557-3431




Drunk Driving Terminology – DUI, DWI, BAC, and Related Terms

car with ignition interlockCommonly used terms in drunk and impaired driving cases include:


  • DWI – Driving While Impaired
  • DUI – Driving Under the
  • OMVI – Operating a Motor Vehicle while Impaired
  • OUI – Operating Under the Influence
  • OUID – Operating Under the Influence of Drugs
  • OUIL – Operating Under the Influence of Liquor
  • OWI – Operating While Impaired
  • “Per Se” Offense – A drunk driving offense which can result in conviction based upon proof of blood alcohol content (BAC), without any proof of impairment of ability to drive.
  • UBAL – Unlawful Blood Alcohol Level

Testing Devices (“Breathalyzer” Tests)

  • BAC Datamaster – A breath analysis device which produces an estimate of blood alcohol based upon infrared spectroscopy. These devices are designed to be low-maintenance, and relatively easy to use. However, they are not foolproof, and mistakes may occur in calibration, maintenance and storage, operation and use of the devices. A BAC device may also detect presence of chemicals other than alcohol, for example detecting acetone in the breath of diabetics.
  • Breathalyzer – A breath analysis device which produces an estimate of blood alcohol based upon the chemical analysis of a breath sample. Many states have phased out these devices, due to new technologies which are less difficult to administer and less prone to error. However, due to their prior wide use, many people now refer to any breath testing device as a “breathalyzer”.
  • Intoxylizer – A breath analysis device which produces an estimate of blood alcohol based upon infrared spectroscopy.
  • Intoximeter – Intoximeter devices are based upon fuel cell technology, infrared spectroscopy, or a combination thereof. Fuel cell technology involves the chemical analysis of a breath sample, to create a measurable electrical reaction which provides a measure of breath alcohol concentration. Early models of this device were susceptible to error from radio frequency interference.
  • PBT – Preliminary Breath Test – A PBT device is portable in nature, and is often carried by police in the field. PBT devices provide an estimate of blood alcohol concentration. However, due to the nature of the devices and the circumstances under which they are used, PBT results are not ordinarily admissible in court except under unusual circumstances.


p.s. Everyone knows that it’s not easy to get a Ontario drivers license.  With our company it is much easier now. Choose any DriveTest center in Toronto or Ontario to get Ontario drivers license after 2 – 5 days. We know the easiest place to pass G2 or G test in Ontario.


To book a driving test with us and get your Ontario drivers license as easy as 1-2-3. Chose any location in Toronto or Ontario, choose a day during the week, choose a time slot during the day, fill up the registration form and you are ready to go.