beer-1511821_1920License suspension after DUI or Impaired driving Charge
License suspensions are effective immediately at the time a charge is issued, before a hearing or trial. The charging officer will take your license and send it to the Ministry of Transportation. You must find a way home without driving yourself. Depending on your location, you may be able to leave your vehicle where it is or choose to have it towed at your own expense.

If you register a BAC between 0.05 and 0.08, the consequences are as follows:
First offense:
3 day license suspension and $150 fine.

Second offense within five years:
7 day license suspension and enrollment in a compulsory alcohol education class.

Third offense within five years:
30-day license suspension, mandatory alcohol treatment program, $150 fine and a six-month ignition interlock condition.

All subsequent offenses within five years: all of the above in addition to a mandatory medical evaluation. If you register a BAC of greater than 0.08, show obvious signs of impairment or refuse to blow into a breathalyzer, you will face a 90 day license suspension before any court sentence is implemented. If you are convicted in court of impaired driving, you will face the following consequences: